Team Development: With vibrant teams closer to the task at hands
As we want to bring projects and mandates to a successful conclusion, it is crucial that the teams perform properly. For a winning cooperation, the members of the team must be able to rely on each other. Whenever people come together for a task, different concepts, opinions and mind sets face each other and potentially hinder the positive development of a task. We tend to judge this face-off intuitively as negative but we know that initial friction losses are a clear sign that the group is alive and potentially ready to perform. In my opinion, it is not recommendable to put efforts in avoiding conflicts but rather concentrate on conflict resolution in order to utilize the resulting energy to make progress.
As a team leader, you deal with many different issues for which you like support, such as:
Your contribution as a leader is not clear.
You don't understand why your team members are not efficient and effective.
Your team is not mature enough to react instantly and properly to changes in the environment.
A lot of my peers talk about self-organized teams; what does this mean for me as team leader?
The working environment is changing rapidly; as individuals are increasingly under stress, the group of people - the team - is affected even more. How can teams perform if the members are feeling unsecure? Standard recipes don't really help. Under the challenging circumstances, it is important that each individual can contribute to the understanding of the issue(s) at hand. Accordingly, a collective picture of the desired future can be designed and the necessary steps to reach this desired state be tackled, together with a coach. The goal is a sustainable solution which also includes the capability to deal with new challenging situations in an autonomous way.